How Can I Pay Funeral Expenses?

G+G Funeral Expenses


When a person dies, unless they have prepaid for their funeral, this expense will have to be paid by the Estate Trustee or Executor. Often there are no funds available to pay the funeral expenses as the deceased person’s money is in bank accounts that have been frozen because of the death. 

Banks are permitted to release funds to pay funeral expenses and most Canadian Banks will readily provide the necessary funds for funeral expenses. If the bank will not, you may have to bring a ‘Motion’ to the Court to defer the payment of the funeral expenses until the Probate Document (called a ‘Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee’) has been issued by the court.


Feel free to contact us at any point for assistance or advice with respect to Estate Law, Estate Planning, Estate Administration or Estate Litigation. We may be reached at 705-435-4339 / 1-877-85LEGAL (1-877-855-3425) or contact us via email.

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